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Proper and natural nutrition and care!

For Vegans

Honey for VEGANS | Solving the Mystery
Really, why do vegans avoid to consume honey?

Indeed, many consider honey as a production result derived from the exploitation of the bees with zero difference from the cultivation of other forms of animal husbandry, while many beekeepers exploit unethical practices of the vegan standards in order to increase their profits.
Such unethical practices include clipping the wings of royal bees to prevent them from leaving the hive, replacing harvested honey with nutritionally inferior syrups, and killing entire colonies to prevent the spread of disease, rather than giving them a natural remedy or follow more physical therapies. Knowing this, they take a stand and avoid honey and other bee products, including honeycomb, bee pollen, royal jelly or propolis.

In addition, many consider beekeeping as something harmful to the health of bees and avoid eating honey because its commercial cultivation can harm the health of bees. Not ignoring the fact that honey’s main function is to provide bees with carbohydrates and other essential nutrients (amino acids, antioxidants and natural antibiotics), bees store honey and consume it during the winter months, when honey production decreases. This gives them energy and helps them stay healthy and survive during the cold weather. For the most part, beekeepers, in order to sell honey, remove it from the bees and replace it with sucrose or high fructose corn syrup! These extra carbohydrates are meant to keep the bees from going hungry during the colder months and are sometimes given back to the bees in spring to encourage the colony’s growth and stimulate nectar flow! However, sucrose and HFCS do not provide bees with the many beneficial nutrients found in honey. Also, these sweeteners damage bees’ immune systems and can cause genetic changes and lower their defenses against pesticides. Both of these effects can eventually damage a hive!
Remembering the essential role of bees for the ecosystem with their help in the transport of pollen and seeds of a wide variety of flowers, in which their absence will lead many plants to prevent from reproducing causing a dramatic drop in crop yields and plant diversity, while the drop continues to the population of bees worldwide. To continue, studies showing modern commercial beekeeping practices as contributing to part of this decline by housing dense colonies in large hives and not mistakenly hindering bees’ natural protection in the environment with routine colony inspections being a large part of the problem. Other common beekeeping unethical practices include artificial insemination and manual queen replacement or even treating disease artificially, which can further affect natural selection and reduce bee’s genetic diversity.
All of these are considered practices that reduce the bee’s ability to adapt and defend itself against the local environment and potentially lead to a decline in its population.

All of the above lead vegans to avoid honey. However, we provide a solution since we feed our hive with raw virgin honey, without extracting all the honey to make a profit but leave it for their nutrition, since we know the maximum percentage of honey that contributes to the smooth operation of the bee. In addition, we keep jars of honey intended specifically for their nutrition. At the same time, we regularly check the bees for any diseases and if this happens, we treat them with completely natural methods friendly to the natural and man-made environment without harming or disturbing any organism. The guarantee we provide is our quality. Our honey is also intended for vegans because our goal is not our profit but the complete satisfaction of the consumer – customer and we do not see man as profit but as a being with soul and body.