With interest in people and life...

Proper and natural nutrition and care!

Who we are...

In 2014 we started dealing with beekeeping having at our disposal just 5 hives, the cultivation of which was intended for obtaining our domestic self-sufficiency. Shortly, our passion for the “world” of hive and whatever has to do with it made us to increase the number of the hives in order to obtain a satisfactory degree of clientele to be served by us. Over the years, with love and effort, we have managed to increase our production thanks to the acquisition of a large number of hives which we manage with the use of multiple natural methods free from modern processing practices that only do more harm than good to the “bee system”.

Because the bee is the insect of which in its bosoms life is embodied and if we have to be accountable somewhere, it is to it. Without the presence of bee, no species would be able to survive on earth, so the collapse of the bee system would bring about a general collapse of the planet. Thanks to modern invasive and adulterating farming methods and the destruction of the planet in any way we can, we have come to consider the bee as an endangered species and if not, we are headed there.

Many people believe that the development of technology will overcome many obstacles, but life is like a color palette without color if natural life is not existent. In this direction, our balanced attitude tends to become the foundation on which we unite our efforts for a better future as natural traditional beekeeping is a priority for us and as our great ancestor Hippocrates had said that “we are what we eat and what we think”.

Our interest in human beings and life generally in combination with a more proper and natural nutrition, leads us every year to the continuous circulation of the hives in order to collect a variety of flowers which will give to our Honey the quality it deserves so that it goes hand in hand with taste and quality of the people who earn and keep our trust. Through the support of the world we gain and guided by our passion and the continuation of our effort, we obtain the springboard to cross the endless path that will bear fruit by offering the consumer the purest product that nature has to offer… Because man should not only ‘take’ but also ‘give’…

And if we think better about it, we are just ‘passing caretakers’ … Let’s be careful, if we want to ‘have’.